Introduction of Java


  • Java is a powerful, versatile, and simple general-purpose programming language.
  • Java is a full-featured general-purpose programming language that is used for developing platform-independent software (applications) running on desktop computers, mobile devices, and servers.
  • first released by Sun Microsystems (later acquired by Oracle Corporation) in 1995.
  • The development of Java started in the early 1990s by a team of engineers led by James Gosling, Patrick Naughton.
  • It was initially designed for use in interactive television,but it was too advanced technology for the digital cable television industry at the time.
  • The project was initially known as "Oak" but was later renamed to Java.
  • In 1995, Sun Microsystems released the first version of Java, called JDK 1.0, to the public. 
  • The latest version of Java is Java 20 or JDK 20 released on March, 21st 2023 .

ToolChain of Java 

Java Toolchain 

Editions of Java Platforms

They are as follows:

1. Java SE (Standard Edition): 

  • This edition is used to develop client-side applications. 
  • It is used to develop applications for desktop, communication, and user interface.
  • It Use to create StandAlone Application .
  • StandAlone Application means if we design  & execute any Application without using client server architecture then application is known as standalone application.

“Java Standalone Application” does not require the Internet. It runs on a local machine.

Ex : Calculator , Notepad .(those application which are not need server or internet to play ). 

2. Java EE (Enterprise Edition): 

  • This edition is used to develop server-side applications such as Java servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP), and JavaServer Faces (JSF).
  • It is use to create Enterprises Application or Distrubuted Application  .
  • Enterprises Application or Distrubuted Application  means if we design  & execute any Application using on the basis of client server architecture then application is known as Enterprises Application or Distrubuted Application.
  • In other words, it is used to develop web-based, messaging, distributed, and enterprise applications.

Ex : Instagram , gmail .

3. Java ME (Micro Edition): 

  • This edition is used to develop applications for mobile devices, such as cell phones. It is also used to develop Personnel Digital Assistants, Setup Box, and printers applications.
  • It use to create Mobile Base Application .
  • Mobile Base Application means  if we design  & execute any Application using on the basis of mobile hardware then application is known as mobile base Application .
  • we can both standalone & Enterprise application in Micro Edition.

Datatype in Java



Datatypes size

Data TypeDefault ValueDefault size
booleanfalse1 bit
char'\u0000'2 byte
byte01 byte
short02 byte
int04 byte
long0L8 byte
float0.0f4 byte
double0.0d8 byte

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